The sad reality is that those who make the most noise about conspiracies, deep state, etc. are the ones who are most manipulated by conspiracies.
Conspiracy theories have long been whispered in secret and never openly asserted.
Today, however, conspiracy theories are openly discussed all over the world and some have even become political movements.
In other words, what was once the topic of
a few enthusiasts has now become completely popular.
So how did something originally a
topic for a few enthusiasts become so popular?
The reason is simple. The conspiracy theories that have been passed down among enthusiasts are very philosophical and speak of deep themes relating to the nature of human freedom. It focused on the problem of whether to live faithfully to God's teachings or to live by one's own judgment believing in the potential of human wisdom. The story is not so interesting to the public because it is difficult to judge whether the conspiracy itself is really evil or not.
Today's conspiracy theories, however, are
extremely simplistic in their content of good and evil, the conspirators are
completely evil, they have the governments and media of the world under their
control, they are carrying out all kinds of evil plans, and the content is so
easy to understand that anyone can be convinced and immediately become a
believer when it comes to gossip topics.
However, the content is so ridiculous that
anyone with common sense can immediately see that it is false.
So why are such ridiculous rumours widely
Quite simply, it is to destroy conspiracy
What happens when conspiracy theories with
ridiculous content that sensible people would immediately recognize as false
are believed and spread by simple-minded people as genuine conspiracy theories?
Apart from a few simple-minded people,
most sensible people would think that anyone who believes such a ridiculous
'conspiracy theory' is crazy. And if the conspiracy theory turns out to be
completely false, the public ridicule of conspiracy theories will become even
more decisive.
That is the real purpose of spreading
ridiculous conspiracy theories. It is mainly those who want to deny the very
existence of conspiracies that are spreading them.
In other words, the people who are nowadays
making noise about conspiracy theories, and the deep state are
the ones who are being manipulated by the people behind the real conspiracies.
If you look at the fates of those who have
openly spoken of conspiracy theories in the past, you will understand why they
have fallen into such a trap.
First of all, in modern times it was
Hitler. He openly talked about conspiracy theories and declared that he would
fight against them. But you know the result.
More recently, the Aum Shinrikyo case. Aum
Shinrikyo also rose up in arms to fight the Deep State.
And then there is the Oklahoma federal
building bombing in the USA. Both incidents happened in 1995, but at the time,
armed groups called Militia were beginning to rise up in various parts of the
USA, professing to fight the federal government, which was controlled by the Deep State.
However, a former Marine named Timothy
McVeigh and others, who were believed to be members of Militia, blew up the
federal government, killing 168 innocent people, and public opinion in the USA
was outraged, and animosity towards Militia quickly swept the country.
Since then, the militia movement has subsided
at a stroke.
The same is true of the Aum Shinrikyo case
and Hitler. If people who are perceived by the public as criminals turn out to
have believed in conspiracy theories, the public will think that those who talk
about conspiracy theories are either crazy or criminal-like people. It was all
designed to be that way.
The current boom in conspiracy theories
will surely suffer that fate sooner or later.
That's how all conspiracy theories are
squashed and, as a result, the original plan is steadily implemented without
anyone getting in the way.
So what is the real plan in the first
place? I will talk about what the original conspiracy is next time.
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