The folly of xenophobia

    There are opinions and political movements that call for the exclusion of foreigners because of the large number of crimes committed by foreigners. It is based on the extremely childish and foolish idea of judging people only by their appearances and attributes, rather than by their personalities, individuality, and character.

 Even a dog can sense a person's personality at first glance and respond accordingly.

 In this sense, judging a human being by his or her attributes alone and deciding how to respond to him or her is a foolish way of thinking that is no better than that of a dog.

 To exclude foreigners just because there are many crimes committed by them is like banning people from Saitama Prefecture from crossing the border into Tokyo just because the person who committed the heinous crime in Tokyo was from Saitama Prefecture. If it were a comedy, it would be funny, but those who seriously think such a thing are half mentally ill people, and it seems to me that they should rather treat the root cause of their pathological exclusivism first.
